André Butzer
Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems, 1999-2017

For this divertingly profound or profoundly diverting volume, editor Alexander Linn has gathered an abundant selection of press releases, letters, interviews and conversations, prose, and poetry by painter André Butzer. Born in Stuttgart in 1973, he was co-founder of Academy Isotrop in Hamburg in the mid-nineties, and rose to become one of the internationally most influential as well as controversial painters after 2000.
The texts span the years from 1999 to 2017 and have been, in most cases, long out of print or difficult to reach. Brought together for the first time, Butzer’s writings form a concise account of his artistic thinking. The book offers thus an intimate and personal insight into his painterly formation and practice, particularly its relation to 20th century mass culture, to the history of painting, to poetry, or to »the regular utopia, what else« – making it an invaluable source of reference for both the scholarly and the passionate reader.

Editor: Alexander Linn
Design: Book Book Berlin
Language: German/English/French
Details: Paperback, 19.5 x 14.5 cm, 192 Pages
ISBN 978-3-903153-82-0
EUR 15,00 plus shipment

André Butzer, Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems, 1999-2017

André Butzer
Sieben Zeichnungen o.T., 2017

Released in only 400 copies, this artist’s book depicts seven colorful drawings made in 2017, shown in their original size.

Editor: Alexander Linn
Design: Studio Martin Steiner
Details: Staple binding, 25 x 30 cm, 16 pages, illustrations in color.
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André Butzer, Sieben Zeichnungen o.T., 2017

Lena Tilk
Malerei im Spannungsfeld widerstreitender Begrifflichkeit und die kategoriale Ausweitung von Bildsein.
André Butzers N-Bilder

Editior: Alexander Linn
Text: Lena Tilk
Design: Studio Martin Steiner
Language: German
Details: Paperback, 20 x 15 cm, 104 Seiten, 11 illustrations in b/w.
ISBN: 978-3-903269-08-8
EUR 12,00 plus shipment

Lena Tilk, Malerei im Spannungsfeld widerstreitender Begrifflichkeit und die kategoriale Ausweitung von Bildsein. André Butzers N-Bilder

André Butzer
Hölderlin Apotheke usw., 2020 - Poster

Edited by Alexander Linn and designed by Studio Martin Steiner on the occasion of the 250th birthday of Friedrich Hölderlin and the reopening of the Hölderlin Tower Tübingen. Heartfelt gratitude to Sandra Potsch and the André Butzer, Archive.
Double sided, Edition of 500. Size 84 x 59,4 cm, folded to 42 x 29,7 cm.
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André Butzer, Hölderlin Apotheke usw., 2020 - Poster
André Butzer, Hölderlin Apotheke usw., 2020 - Poster

André Butzer
Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems, 1994–2020
Volume 2

With more than twice as much pages, even rarer sources and an urging immediacy, the second volume of André Butzer’s collected writings, thus surely, is double the fun.
Due 20+ conversations, let alone over 200 poems, the book offers personal access right into the middle of his unique artistic thinking, illuminating both his practice as well as his biography. Suitable for enthusiasts and experts alike.
Editor: Alexander Linn
Texts: André Butzer
Conversations: Noor Brara, Melanie Franke, Sarah Lasalle, Frank-Thorsten Moll, Philippe Pourhashemi, Eliza Reichel, David Schutter, Michael Slenske, Lena Tilk, Lily Wang, Sebastian Wehlings, Josef Zekoff and many more
Design: Studio Martin Steiner
Language: German/English/French
Details: Paperback, 19.5 x 14.5 cm, 464 pages, numerous ills.
ISBN 978-3-903796-61-4
EUR 32,00 plus shipment

André Butzer, Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems, 1994–2020, Volume 2

André Butzer
Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems Volume 3: 1999–2021

All good things come in threes and so do André Butzer’s collected writings. The third volume is elegantly sharp and poignant. Editor Alexander Linn continues to explore the unique fictitious universe, Butzer calls »NASAHEIM«. Boldly touching on the latter’s own work and biography, art history as well as music in numerous letters, in-depth conversations and poems. Guided by the simple question: What is real?, Butzer searches for »the actual location of painting, the space in-between. It’s a very esoteric but easy to understand conception of truth.«

Editor: Alexander Linn / Edition Linn
Text: André Butzer
Conversations: Madeline Bergstrom, Jayme Burtis, Sarah Freeman, Peter Ibsen, Christian Malycha, John Newsom, Richard Pallardy among others
Design: Studio Martin Steiner
Language: German/English/French
Details: Paperback, 19.5 x 14.5 cm, 144 pages, numerous ills.
Publication date: 11/2021
ISBN: 978-3-903572-58-4
EUR 12,00 plus shipment

André Butzer Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems Volume 3: 1999–2021

André Butzer
Unvollständiges Werkverzeichnis der Druckgrafik
Band I: 2001–2022

André Butzer
Incomplete catalog raisonné of prints
Volume I: 2001–2022

Seit 2003 verfolgt der umtriebige Verleger Alexander Linn das grafische Werk von André Butzer. Mit dieser intimen Kenntnis, großer Sorgfalt und vor allem Leidenschaft präsentiert er nun den ersten Band des Werkverzeichnisses der Druckgrafik.
Die Grafik ist von Anbeginn vollgültiger Teil von Butzers Œuvre und macht die Entwicklung seiner Malerei zu jeder Zeit völlig eigenständig mit. Alles ist da und kraftvoll formuliert. Seine ikonischen Figuren, Farben und Formen, die grundlegenden Motive und Themen zeigen sich in einer Klarheit, wie sie nur in der Grafik erreichbar ist: Von einfachsten Linolschnitten über aufwendige Serien in einer Vielzahl grafischer Techniken hin zur Anmut und prächtigen Farbigkeit der letzten Jahre.
Höchste Zeit für dieses Buch, das heute schon eine unschätzbare Referenz ist und ein eindrücklicher Beleg für ein grafisches Werk, mit dem sich André Butzer bescheiden, doch mit höchster Güte in die lange Tradition der peintres graveurs einschreibt.

Since 2003, the accomplished editor Alexander Linn has been following the graphic work of André Butzer. With such intimate knowledge, great care and passion most of all, he now presents the first volume of the catalog raisonné of prints.
Graphics are a fully valid part of Butzer’s œuvre from the very beginning and at all times, the prints catch up with the development of his painting in complete independence. Everything is there and decisively formulated. His iconic figures, colors and forms, the basic motifs and themes are present with a clarity only to be achieved in graphic art: From the simplest linocuts to elaborate series in a variety of graphic techniques to the grace and gorgeous colors of recent years.
High time for this book, which already is an invaluable reference and an impressive testament to a graphic œuvre with which André Butzer modestly but with the highest mastery inscribes himself in the long tradition of peintres graveurs.

EDITOR: Alexander Linn / Edition Linn
TEXT: Alexander Linn
DESIGN: Studio Martin Steiner
LANGUAGE: German/English
DETAILS: Paperback, 24 x 17 cm, 408 pages, 200 ills.
ISBN: 978-3-903439-33-7
SALES PRICE (incl. VAT): 28,00 EUR

André Butzer, Unvollständiges Werkverzeichnis der Druckgrafik, Band I: 2001–2022

Ulrich Wulff – Gemälde 2004-21

ULRICH WULFF (*1975), well-versed in the highs and lows of the diverse Modernist strategies of artistic self-presentation, is a painter of mischievous austerity. And a marvelous one at that. In this regard, his paintings have a certain theatrical quality. As you can never be sure, if they are »seriously performing« or »performing seriousness«. Early on, he found the figure of the clown as his patron saint—being the »eternally underestimated one, as long as you mistake his appearance for his essence. What he actually demonstrates is the path to wisdom«. The clown, as Wulff recalls, is the »ideal counterpart« both to organize the canvas and to find humble images for a seemingly inhospitable and rampant present.
Editors Alexandra Tretter and Alexander Linn have made a daring choice and gathered 60 paintings from almost 20 years: Self-portraits as pizzas, vases and nuclear powerplants, warm-up exercises, women in front of kebabs, final paintings which in fact are new beginnings, peanuts, crossings and passages. An awkward »realism for beginners and the advanced«, in which witty humor and heart-breaking melancholy always are the one.

EDITOR: Alexander Linn, Alexandra Tretter
TEXTS: Ulrich Wulff
DESIGN: Anne-Katrin Ahrens, Alexandra Tretter
LANGUAGE: German/English
DETAILS: Softcover, 27,5 x 21,3 cm, 104 pages, 60 ills. in color
Preis: EUR 28,00

Ulrich Wulff – Gemälde 2004–21